Bracing is a method to overcome crowded teeth, underbite, overbite,...Nowaday, there are many appliances with differrent advantages and disadvantages. All of that, metal bracing is chosen the most.
1. What is metal bracing?
Metal bracing is the earliest form of orthodontic treatment. This is a method of straightening teeth by using a system of appliances: metal brackets, wires, elastic bands, minivis, ... are fixed on the teeth to create an even tightening force to help the teeth gradually move to the correct position.

2. Types of metal bracing:
Metal bracing is divided into 3 different types. Depending on the situation, the needs of each person can choose the appropriate method. Specific features of each type of metal bracing are as follows:
Normal metal bracing
This method uses brackets made from stainless alloy combined with elastic bands to fix the wire on the arc on the bracket grooves. Thereby creating a traction force to move the teeth.
Lowest cost in all of bracing types
Metal bracket is thinner than every others
Colorful elastic bands which excite children
Re-examinate once 1 month
The elastic band is easy to burst, the elasticity is poor, making the pulling force unstable
Poor aesthetics
Self-locking metal bracing
Self-locking bracing also use materials from stainless steel. Instead of using an elastic band, this method is replaced with an automatic locking pin that fixes the wire in the bracket grooves, creating traction to move the teeth.
Using a locking pin automatically creates even force, regardless of the elasticity of the elastic band
No need to go for re-examination, only once per 1.5 - 2 months
Limiting the situation of bundling and slipping of brackets
Higher cost than normal method
When you smile and talk, your braces will be obvious, less aesthetic
Thicker than metal brackets
Inner metal bracing
The feature of this method is that brackets are attached to the inside of the teeth. It uses a system of wires, brackets and appliances to act from the inside surface adjacent to the tongue to help adjust the teeth to the desired position.

High aesthetics because brackets are attached inside, especially for those who have jobs that often have to communicate.
No damage to the outer surface of the teeth when removing brackets
Smooth design, won't hurt gums, tongue, cheeks.
Doing dental hygiene, eating is more difficult
The first time (1-4 weeks) can cause entanglement, inconvenience, even slurred speech.
Because brackets are attached to inside of teeth, they are more difficult to clean. But it can be overcome by using specialized brushes, brushing according to the instructions of the dentist.
3. When you should choose metal bracing
Metal bracing not only helps correct misaligned teeth, but also improve the patient's chewing function. Specifically, this method can be suitable for situations
Undebite is the malocclusion of two misaligned jaws. The upper jaw is more inclined to the inner jaw, when the mouth is closed, the lower arches of the lower teeth cover the upper jaw. The cause can be due to:
- Teeth
- Overdeveloped lower jawbone
- Underdeveloped upper jawbone
- Both of them

Overbite is a condition in which the upper teeth protrude more than normal. Although not harmful to health, protruded teeth makes patients feel very self-conscious. There are 4 types of protrusion:
- 2 jaw protrusion
- Protruded upper jaw, normal lower jaw
- Backward lower jaw, normal upper jaw
- Both of them

Crowded teeth
Crowded teeth is a condition where the teeth do not grow in the right way, They grow messy, cause malocclusal and affect the aesthetics. Manifestations of crowded teeth are one or more teeth that are tilted, rotated, misaligned or hidden in the bone.

Spacing teeth
Manifestation of spacing teeth is teeth that grow far apart in the arch. That makes it difficult to eat, chew, easily get food stucked in and cause loss of aesthetics. Spacing teeth can be caused by teeth that grow underground, grow in the wrong position, the size of the jawbone is wide...

4. How long does metal bracing take?
Thời gian niềng răng mắc cài kim loại dài hay ngắn còn phụ thuộc vào nhiều yếu tố như: tình trạng răng hiện tại, phương pháp điều trị, kế hoạch chỉnh nha, độ tuổi thực hiện, tay nghề của bác sĩ,…
Thông thường, một ca niềng răng mắc cài kim loại của người trưởng thành với độ khó trung bình thì sẽ kéo dài từ 18 – 24 tháng. Với một số trường hợp tính phức tạp có thể kéo dài lâu hơn. Tuy nhiên, trẻ em trong độ tuổi từ 12 đến 16 tuổi thường có thời gian niềng răng mắc cài kim loại ngắn hơn người trưởng thành vì xương và răng đang phát triển, mọi sự tác động đều dễ hơn nhiều so với người trưởng thành.
5. What is metal bracing treatment process?
Braces are a complex dental technique that requires highly qualified and many years of experience in the profession.
To ensure that the orthodontic process goes on as planned and with high efficiency, it is necessary to apply the following standard treatment procedures:
Stage 1: General examination and consultation
To collect enough data, you will have a general examination by your doctor, x-rays, portrait and intraoral pictures, and impressions of your jaw. After analyzing based on the collected data, the doctor will evaluate, advise and discuss with you the status and methods to come to a consensus.
After that, doctor will give the patient a professional assessment (such as the cause, the condition and the way to fix it) and discuss specifically with the patient to come to an agreement.
Stage 2: Make a suitable treatment plan
Khi bệnh nhân đồng ý với phương án mà bác sĩ đưa ra, bác sĩ sẽ lên kế hoạch điều trị chi tiết hơn. Bệnh nhân có thể biết được kết quả dự đoán, thời gian điều trị phù hợp và từng giai đoạn chỉnh nha.
Stage 3: Sign orthodontic contract
Before starting orthodontic treatment, between the dentist, the doctor and the customer will sign a contract to ensure the interests of both parties.
Stage 4: General treatment before bracing
Before starting bracing, all dental diseases such as: periodontitis, tooth decay, scaling, etc. must be treated. Because during orthodontic treatment it will be more difficult to treat and affect the plan.
Stage 5: Start bracing
After that, the doctor will install the brackets and instruct the patient on how to take care of their teeth every day. In some cases, it will be necessary to place elastic, separate the gap, and attach bands before putting on the brackets.
During the process, patient need to visit the dentist for regular check-ups according to the doctor's instruction, usually once a month to ensure close monitoring of the orthodontic process.
Stage 6: Complete treatment and maintain the result
When your teeth are even and stable, your doctor will evaluate and decide to remove the appliance. However, to keep your teeth in their original state, you need to wear retainers regularly. Currently, there are many types of retainer, how to choose, how to use and how long depends on each person's situation.
6. How much does metal bracing cost?
Metal bracing is often the most basic method, which not only saves cost but also brings high and long-term effectiveness. Therefore, it is very popular in any era.
The cost of metal braces often depends on many factors such as: condition, treatment methods, policies at the dentist, ... Therefore, you need to go directly to the clinic to be examined and advised specifically.
* Notes:
Treatment tim can last from 1 to 3 years, so it requires the patient to be patient and cooperate with doctor. To improve the effectiveness, you need to pay attention to the following issues:
Before bracing:
- Check if you are allergic to metal or not
- Participate in a general health check-up, to promptly detect diseases such as hemophilia, blood cancer, diabetes, etc., because bracing may require tooth extraction, these diseases can be dangerous for your health.
- Choose a reputable dental for examination, film and appropriate treatment plan. In addition, it can also ensure safety during the process.
While bracing:
- Pay attention to do dental hygiene, especially in positions such as between teeth, brackets, wires, ... with dental floss, interstitial brush, water flosser, etc.
Go for regular check-ups according to the doctor's appointment for monitoring, teeth tightening, elastic replacement, etc. periodically.
Prioritize eating soft, easy to chew foods, limit hard foods, do not directly bite hard objects with your teeth to avoid affecting the appliance. Limit sweet foods as much as possible to avoid dental disease.
Finish bracing:
- Periodic re-examination to monitor and stabilize the condition of the teeth after treatment, preventing the teeth from returning to their original position.
- Wear the retainer enough time and follow the doctor's instructions when using it.
- Maintain good dental hygiene habits. Because teeth after treatment are very sensitive, you should not bleach immediately after removing braces to avoid sensitivity and discomfort.
Metal bracing is a traditional method that can be suitable for both basic and complex tooth misalignments. Therefore, depending on each case, a specialist doctor will help you choose the right plan for your situation, needs and economic conditions.
Nói về niềng răng mắc cài, Porcelain bracing giúp bạn tối ưu tính thẩm mỹ hơn so với niềng răng mắc cài truyền thống nên cũng trở nân phổ biến từ lâu.
Although bracing is still supported with advantages, but to meet the criteria of today's consumers, dental technology has increasingly improved to produce solution which optimize disadvantages of the old method. Leetray Clear Aligner is a great development.